Behind the Scenes of b-side

Behind the Scenes of b-side by Portland Museum On Thursday 7th March at 3pm, Portland Museum is hosting ‘Behind the Scenes of b-side’ at the Peter Trim Hall at the St. George’s Centre, Reforne, Easton. We are over the moon to be hosting b-side director, Rocca Holly-Nambi. As well as directing b-side, they were the…

A collectiion of images taken from Portland Museum's Earl of Abergavenny webinar. The images show the speakers and the slides they showed.

Earl of Abergavenny Webinar Now Online!

Earl of Abergavenny Webinar Now Online! by Portland Museum The Earl of Abergavenny themed webinar Portland Museum produced as part of International Museum Day 2023 is now online and available to view here on our YouTube channel.  The webinar featured the story of the Earl of Abergavenny’s final journey, its excavation and salvage, and the…